Some of our active research themes...

One of SWAP’s main research aims is the contextualisation of wetland archaeology within the wider settlement and agricultural landscape of Scotland… more coming soon.

SWAP partners with a major research programme called the Celtic Crannogs Project, which aims to reconstruct life on wetland settlements through analysis of proxy indicators such as insect remains, biomarkers and ancient DNA. This project builds on previous research by the Universities of Southampton, Plymouth and Newcastle which developed a new methodology for ‘remote sensing’ crannog construction […]

A significant breakthrough in the dating of Iron Age settlement in Scotland came at the crannog of Dorman’s Island, when the first prehistoric dendro date was obtained from split oak logs used as flooring on the island. This showed that that crannog was occupied between 153 and 121 BC and again in the sub-Roman period, but […]

Nasty, Brutish and Short? Publication of Structure 2 at Black Loch
We’re pleased to announce the the excavation and analysis of the remarkable roundhouse, Structure 2, at Black Loch of Myrton has been published in Journal of Wetland Archaeology, volume 18 and, thanks to a grant from Historic Environment Scotland the paper is Open Access, meaning it is free to all to download. You can find […]

Excavations at Black Loch, 2018
Our understanding of the nature and development of the settlement at Black Loch has continued to expand and evolve with every season of excavation there. During the last 2 seasons, in 2017 and most recently in May/June of 2018 work has focused in the southern half of the settlement, where we have explored more of […]

Excavations at Black Loch begin again in 2017
View the first of our series of films of the excavations at Black Loch of Myrton, carried out by AOC Archaeology with Whithorn Trust and Urbancroft Films. Digging at Black Loch Trailer from AOC Archaeology on Vimeo.